Computing and Online Safety

Please see our online safety guide to safely using YouTube by clicking here

Our Code of Conduct for Staying Safe Online

The E-Safety Monitors worked together to create a code of conduct to help others to stay safe online.  Follow these useful rules to keep yourself safe:

Our E-Safety Rules

  1. Never share your passwords and personal information online.
  2. Don’t speak to strangers or meet people from online.
  3. Think about what you’re saying online – be polite!
  4. Think carefully before posting pictures and videos – do you have permission?
  5. If you are worried about something online, tell a trusted adult.


Useful weblinks for children:



Parent Guidance

Supervise and talk about your child’s online activities


Set up parental controls  Searchable step-by-step guides for setting parental controls on specific devices, social media apps, search engines, gaming consoles and broadband networks.


Limit screen time

Report any concerns that you have  Reporting an online safety incident to CEOP (the CEOP Education team is a part of the National Crime Agency)


Do you know your Tiktok from your Discord?  Get to know the apps your child is using and find information about how to keep your child safe.  Parent guides to latest apps and safety news

Other Useful Websites

BBC Own It

The BBC Own It pages have lots of great videos and articles about how to help your child have a positive experience online.

CEOP / Thinkuknow Website

Lots of articles with information about all aspects of online safety


UK Safer Internet Centre Website

Guides for using different internet connected devices such as phones, smart tvs, games consoles, tablets, smart speakers and laptops.