Performance tables / results

We are proud of all of our children; for their academic achievements and also for their exemplary behaviour, beautiful manners and caring natures. We also celebrate our children’s creative endeavours and aim to support our children’s well-being. Academic excellence is important at Bournebrook, but it is only part of what we do.

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. The last available public data is from the 2018 to 2019 academic year. It is important to note that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

Our provisional 2023 statutory assessment test results (SATs) are as follows:

Year Two
71% of our children achieved at least the expected standard in READING. (Nationally this figure was 68%).

47% of our children achieved at least the expected standard in WRITING. (Nationally this figure was 60%).

65% of our children achieved at least the expected standard in MATHS. (Nationally this figure was 70%).

Year Six
90% of our children achieved at least the expected standard in READING. (Nationally this figure was 73%).

75% of our children achieved at least the expected standard in WRITING. (Nationally this figure was 72%).

55% of our children achieved at least the expected standard in MATHS. (Nationally this figure was 73%).

Year One Phonics
64% of our children achieved the required standard (Nationally this figure was 79%).

To view the DFE performance tables for Bournebrook, please click here.

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