

At Bournebrook, we are building a culture where music is for everyone. We want to ensure that music is a joyful, engaging and inclusive experience that enables every child to develop their musical potential. We want children to have a curiosity for the subject and a respect for the role that music may play in any person’s life. Our vision, at Bournebrook, is to give children access to an engaging and fun music curriculum reflecting the world they live in now, but at the same time giving them access to musical styles throughout history. Children are able to listen and appraise a variety of musical styles alongside performing pieces and creating their own compositions through the use of instruments. We intend to inspire musicians of the future and create a passion for music in all our children that will stay with them for a lifetime.


Music at Bournebrook is taught using a music scheme called Charanga. The scheme supports all the requirements of the national curriculum with the interrelated dimensions of music are woven through every unit giving the opportunity to embed knowledge, understanding and skills. The Charanga scheme of work has been personalised to Bournebrook to follow our three year cycle. In lower school the units taught are year one to year three and in upper school year four to year six. Within each year of the three year cycle the learning builds upon prior learning. Alongside our scheme of work a knowledge and skills document is used. The document sets out what skills are to be taught in each year group and the knowledge the children should have at the end of each phase. Lessons provide opportunities for children to develop practical skills and progress by listening and appraising, singing, playing, composing, and performing.

Daily Collective Worship provides the children with opportunities to sing and listen to music. We sing a variety of songs during Collective Worship, with an emphasis on children’s spiritual and moral development. Music listened to in worship has been planned over a three year cycle to ensure there is a diverse collection of genres from throughout history.

All children are given the opportunity to perform to their peers and families throughout their time at Bournebrook. All children preform in Church throughout the year including Christmas and Harvest.

At Christmas, EYFS perform a Christmas Nativity play and years one to five perform a Christmas themed celebration to their families. Performing for parents and other community presentations allow the children to understand the importance of preparing for performance and promotes self-confidence and sense of achievement.

Alongside our curriculum provision for music, pupils also have the opportunity to participate in additional 1:1 music teaching by being offered the opportunity to learn a musical instrument with peripatetic teachers.

Children are given different opportunities throughout the year to experience learning beyond their lessons through joining choir, glockenspiel club or recorder club. These children perform

within the wider community at the Christmas tree festival at Church, the knitting club and the summer fair.


The impact and measure of this is to ensure that children at Bournebrook are equipped with musical skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the wider world. Children are able to enjoy music, in as many ways as they choose- either as listener, creator or performer.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

· Assessments made against skills document.

· Pupil discussions and interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice).

· Children’s performances

· Photo and video evidence of the pupils practical learning.

· By the end of year six, all pupils will have performed on a number of occasions and have a grasp of how to read music, with some pupils able to read music fluently.

· The uptake of our music after school clubs and uptake of additional music 1:1 teaching.