Harvest in Church

Event Date: October 4, 2019
Event Time: 9am
Our Harvest Service is in church next Friday at 9.00am. All children from YR to Y6 will attend. Donations of non-perishable items, which will be shared between Coventry and Nuneaton Foodbanks are politely requested.
Foodbank needs some things in particular. The following message is from them…
Dear Pupils, Parents, Staff and Governors,

These are the types of food which would be most helpful to us, although we are really grateful for any donations.

Fruit Juice Instant Coffee (small) Sponge Puddings
Tinned Fruit Jam Tinned Meat/Stew
Tinned Meatballs Tinned Custard Instant Mash
Tinned Potatoes Rice Pudding UHT Milk
Pasta Sauces Cereals Tinned Tomatoes
Tinned Tuna Tinned Sweetcorn Tinned Carrots
Tinned Peas Tea Bags Biscuits
We don’t need Baked Beans, Soup or Dry Pasta thank you, as we have plenty of these.

Thank you all for your help and support.


Rhianon White

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